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The Best Sleep Supplements on the Market | Best Safe Sleep Aids

UPDATED Mon, 22 July 2024

There are countless sleep aids on the market claiming to deliver restful sleep without unsafe ingredients or addictive qualities.

Many of these supplements are made with melatonin. But is melatonin safe to take daily? It’s no surprise that many people are actively searching for an alternative to melatonin to help them sleep.

A high-quality sleep aid with natural and pure ingredients can not only help you fall asleep but can also help you achieve longer periods of REM sleep, wake less during the night, and rise in the morning more refreshed.

Sleeping supplements can be made with a wide range of ingredients, not all of which have been proven safe or effective.

Magnesium for sleep has been shown in early research to support a healthy sleep schedule. Research has also shown that ingredients like L-theanine and chamomile flower extract can promote relaxation and help users achieve more effective REM and non-REM sleep.

At 5MinuteReviews, we’ve scoured the internet to find the best natural sleep aid, while also providing information on how ingredients like magnesium, L-theanine, and chamomile flower extract can support healthy sleep patterns.

We’ve found several positive options, but one supplement clearly stood out above the rest: Clinical Effects Sleep. This supplement beats its competitors for many reasons, namely because it is crafted in an FDA-Regulated facility in the USA and is one of the few supplements to contain both magnesium and L-theanine. The company itself also stands out for its positive customer reviews and its dedication to quality.

Magnesium has been shown to increase the amount of time spent asleep, increase the efficiency and effectiveness of sleep, and naturally increase the melatonin levels in your body. Instead of pumping extra melatonin into your body, magnesium allows your body to slowly increase melatonin levels naturally and safely.

However not all forms of magnesium work the same. Cheaper forms such as magnesium citrate are more likely to produce bowel movements than a full night of sleep. To be an effective sleep aid the magnesium used must be highly absorbable and able to pass through the blood-brain barrier. Magnesium glycinate is one such type of magnesium. There is also a patented form of magnesium L-threonate called Magtein® that is extremely absorbable and has shown fantastic results for not only sleep, but also stress & mood support, and cognitive function.

L-theanine amino acids often lead to better sleep quality by encouraging deeper sleep. It also increases the amount of time that a user spends in REM sleep, which is the period in which you will experience deep and truly restful sleep.

Chamomile flower extract has been shown to promote relaxation in the body and mind to help users reduce the time it takes to fall asleep, leading to more restful sleep especially when used in combination with other sleep aids.

When combined with a healthy diet, exercise, and stress-relieving techniques, these supplements can help you reach an effective sleep cycle and experience many of the health benefits that accompany proper sleep.

It can be a challenge to find these supplements in your daily meals. Magnesium can be found in leafy greens and whole grains, but L-theanine and chamomile extract can be more difficult to integrate into your daily diet.

What is the easiest method for getting these nutrients to improve your sleep and achieve other notable benefits?

Only a few sleep aids containing magnesium stood out. There are also some supplements to avoid. Want to learn more?

Achieving better sleep is often attributed to simply improving your diet and exercising more, but these methods don’t provide the desired results for everyone. Some individuals may need a bit of extra help in addition to healthy lifestyle habits.

Unfortunately, many sleep aids on the market today contain melatonin. Melatonin is naturally made in the body, but it is unclear if supplementing melatonin for sleep is safe. Sleep supplements may also be produced in facilities that are not regulated by the FDA or facilities in other countries that are not subject to the strict safety standards of the United States.

Research has shown that magnesium for sleep, L-theanine, and chamomile extract are safe to consume and can provide effective sleep support. So, it’s vital to find a pure and trustworthy source for these ingredients to experience the benefits.

Before you decide on a sleeping pill, be sure to do your own research and find the options with the best reviews. Select a sleep aid from a USA-based company that is trusted by its customers.

We browsed through dozens of sleep aids to find the very best option available: Clinical Effects Sleep. We have found that Clinical Effects Sleep has all of the best ingredients for effective sleep without unnecessary or unsafe additives.

Keep reading to learn more about our selection process.

Our Research-Backed 9-Point System

While it’s tempting to purchase the first sleep aid you come across, you should spend some time researching your options first. Compare the ingredients in different supplements and read customer reviews before committing to a purchase.

  1. Product quality based on material and sourcing.
  2. The presence of harmful material/ingredients.
  3. Manufacturer upholds high quality assurance protocols.
  4. The science, research and development behind the product.
  5. High-quality, regulated manufacturing facilities and processes.
  6. Third-party testing to validate the quality of the product.
  7. Customer reviews – removing fake/paid reviews so only real opinions count.
  8. Price.  Is it worth the money?
  9. Return policy and money back guarantee.

A Guide To Our Rankings: How We Picked our Top Choice

After intense research and consultations with numerous customers interviewed, we found the following 3 products that became our top picks. We chose these three based on the following factors:

  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Impressive Results 
  • Ingredients
  • Formula Transparency
  • Affordability/Value
  • ​Company Reputation

Our Top Picks For Most People

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  • https://www.clinicaleffects.com/products/sleep


    • A reliable source of highly absorbable magnesium L-threonate
    • Contains both L-theanine and chamomile flower extract
    • A unique blend designed to help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer
    • Produced at an FDA-regulated facility in the USA
    • Transparent and clear labeling
    • Produced by a trustworthy and reputable company
    • Does NOT contain melatonin


    • Can only be purchased online
    • Quantities can be limited, especially in times of high demand

    The Bottom Line

    Clinical Effects Sleep is our top choice because it is exceptional in all of the areas we were considering for a top sleep aid.

    We found that several sleep supplements lacked transparent labeling or had unwanted ingredients, or were limited in their quantities of active ingredients. Clinical Effects Sleep has none of those problems.

    Some supplements also had some customer stories in which there were limited effects or no benefits even after taking the supplement for several days. Clinical Effects has the potency in ingredients and safe production standards we seek, plus numerous customer satisfaction stories.

    We only consider supplements that have clear and transparent labeling as one of our top protocols. You can also trust that Clinical Effects only utilizes the safest and best production standards, as all of our products are made in the USA and produced with stringent protocols.

    Each bottle contains 60 capsules and each 2 capsule serving provides 1,000mg of patented Magnesium L-Threonate.

    Customers love the fact that they can trust in the safety and purity of this particular sleep supplement, and many of them do experience deeper, more restful sleep after taking the supplement.

    To purchase Clinical Effects Sleep, click on the link below (order while supplies last)



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    • An efficient non-habit forming sleep formula
    • Starts working in a few minutes
    • Decently priced considering the premium ingredients


    • Difficult to buy because of consistently high demand
    • Only available online and not offline
    • Contains melatonin


    Item ID

    Review URL


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    • Contains magnesium and L-theanine
    • Gluten free, dairy free, and vegan


    • Contains melatonin
    • Some customers report morning grogginess
    • Some customers report this supplement takes a long time to work


5MinuteReviews is owned and operated by the same company that owns certain products featured on this website, including the products ranked number one. This is an advertisement which contains reviews and information about Clinical Effects products. While third-part products are presented, this is a promotional side focused on the sale of Clinical Effects products. In addition, we receive compensation from certain companies whose products are featured on this website when you purchase a product using the links on this website. This is not an independent news article, blog, or consumer protection update. Editorial content is not a substitute for, nor should it replace the advice of your healthcare professional.